3 Steps of How a Laser Cleaner Works
By Antonio

3 Steps of How a Laser Cleaner Works

Industrial cleaning using a laser cleaner, including the removal of rust from an old sheet, is pretty much tedious. The removal of paint, as well as oil from various metal parts, may also be annoying in several ways. These processes involve the chemical solvents specified to every material that needs to be removed. It can also be prudent to replace some of the old parts instead of trying to give them a new life altogether. But, this should often come at a given cost in which laser cleaning is deemed as a viable solution. So what is a laser cleaning machine?

You may find it blurry as to what a laser does when it comes to removing rust. At the same time, you may be skeptical regarding the claims of the cleaning solution. These are just legitimate questions that should be answered. So, in this blog post, we discuss some of the crucial facts to comprehend the new applications of laser technology.

  • Materials in use have some element of ablation threshold

Laser ablation often happens when a layer of the material used is deposited on a certain surface and then removed using a laser beam. In essence, this is the process behind the whole rust removal, specifically on steel, as well as other materials such as molecular bonds found in the dust as well as broken materials found in the substrate.

Said in technical terms, try to imagine that a layer there in between is to be removed via a vaporized laser beam.

  • You may selectively remove a material

If there is a second way to handle things, then the higher wall found behind the first one would thrust sufficient energy used to thrust it over the first wall there is. But in several cases, the ball shall not really contain sufficient energy that can be used in making it to the second wall.

So what should you expect? The ball, in this case, should be able to bounce off to the second wall. After that, it should fall between the two major walls.

  • A strong power burst denotes faster removal

 Come to think of the process of laser ablation as pretty much similar to that of a stone carved using a hammer coupled with a chisel while attempting to create a shapely stone. In this case, you may use a smaller hammer in making hits on the chisel.

You may also just use a slightly bigger hammer in leveraging power, thereby reducing the actual needed number of hits required to increase speed removal. In most cases, the idea happens to be the same for the laser cleaning of machines that you only need to remove a single layer of material.

  • The laser machine is consumable-free

Because this method specifically uses a beam of lasers in vaporizing the removed layer, you will realize that there are literally no consumables with the cleaning technology. Therefore, it implies that the beauty of the laser needs you to set some form of power plug before you are ready to go.

Final Thoughts  

Generally, the process of cleaning using laser steel is a solid form of technology set to help you in overcoming several problems that are most of the time faced in removing rust from industrial applications. And by choosing a material that needs to be removed, a laser beam will offer a fast solution.

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  • June 24, 2020

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